Mike, Russ and Monty  

Introducing the Most Beautiful Girl In the World...

Catherine is the biggest fan of Mike, Russ and Monty. In fact, she is engaged to be married to Mike.

You can see from the pictures that Catherine is the Most Beautiful Girl in the World. Of course, there are other girls who might claim that honour, such as Jessica Alba or Catherine Zeta Jones. But if you ask Google who is the most beautiful girl, you will find it's Catherine.

There is always the Miss Universe Pageant, or the Miss World Competition, but who continuously wins them? Has anyone ever won both? I don't think so. So it's obvious deciding who is the most beautiful girl is not an objective judgment.

You've has heard the saying: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". When considering who is the most beautiful girl in the world, it must always be considered in the light of "in whose opinion?"

As beauty is so subjective, I can say that Catherine is the most beautiful girl in the world, and the reader can say the title should properly go to another girl. Guess what? ... we are both right. That's the beauty of beauty (couldn't resist:) - it's totally subjective.

What about the great saying from beer drinkers: "Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder"? This holds true in many cases and serves to further my contention that beauty is totally subjective. Have you ever been drunk and found out the next morning that the girl you thought was beautiful is ... well, let's just say your opinion has changed. Silly question, I know. Of course you have. Well, don't beat yourself up over it, you were right both times. She was beautiful and now she isn't. It's all about perspective and opinion.

Various sources (including Russ and Monty) have confirmed that Catherine is good looking. Whether she is the most beautiful girl in the world is something only Mike can decide. "He thinks, therefore she is". It could not be more simple, nor more obvious ... Catherine is the Most Beautiful Girl in the World. Deal with it.

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